Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz – Sort Through the Quotes


It is a real fun activity that can be enjoyed by everyone, and as such, Pottermore sorting hat has become a very popular activity for many people to enjoy. This can be an excellent choice, because not only will you end up getting loads of really useful and entertaining hats, but you can also get to keep some lovely mementos. Some people have even managed to win the jackpot when they have won at a Pottermore sorting hat quiz! However, while there are loads of fun things about this particular game, there are some facts about it that you should be aware of, so that you know what is right for you and your child when it comes to things like this.

First of all, it is generally a good idea to sort through one sort of Pottermore sorting hat per year. You may wonder why this is important, but you need to know that there are three different sizes of Pottermore sorting hats that are available, and you should choose between these according to the height of your child. You can also use the same sort of hat on each of the different years, although if you do this you may find that you have to go back to buy a new one because the old one will no longer fit. The good thing about this is that you will never have to worry about your toddler growing too fast, and finding a different hat for each of the years to wear can seem a bit much. After all, what parent wouldn’t want their toddlers to be able to play with all sorts of hats?

When it comes to the Pottermore sorting hat quiz itself, there are a few different ways to play. For example, you can simply sort through the different hats and give your child a sticker based on which hat they are wearing on that particular year. Of course, there are other games you can play as well, including a game in which you sort through the different wigs for your child. This can end up being a fun experience for everyone, and you can make it even more exciting by allowing your child to come with you to take the Pottermore sorting hat quiz!
